Matrix Algebra Problems II

due Tuesday

Ma 2071

Assume that all matrices are square, nxn, unless otherwise noted.


1.  show directly that (AB)-1  =  B-1A-1


2. What is (A-1)-1  ?


3.  Find (A-1 CB)-1     (note correction on exponent)


4.  If   A = P D P-1   what is A2  ?  A3 ?  Ak?


5.  Expand  (A + B)2


6.  Expand  (In + A)3


7.  Expand and simplify  (In - A)(In + A + A2 + A3)


8.  If  D is a 3x3 "diagonal" matrix with scalars  d1, d2 and d3  on it's diagonal and 0's elsewhere,  find D2  and D3. Generalize to Dk


9.  In problem 8,  if it is also given that  -1 <  di < +1  what is the limit as k ->∞ of Dk  ?


10.  Suppose that A = P D P-1   and that it is known that D is a diagonal matrix with either +1  or -1 on its diagonal and 0s elsewhere. What is A2?

          A4?  A6?   How about A3?  A5  ?


11.  Solve for X in the matrix equation        CB-1XA + D = F - In


12.  If   A = P D P-1   ,   solve for D.   What is D-1 ?