Matrix Algebra I

March 20,2003

Ma 2071


1.    if A =             compute  the product  At A.  What generalization can you make about At? (recall that t means transpose)




2.   a.   suppose  Q =    and  R =    compute  the product QR.





     b.  What kind of matrices are Q and R?  (besides "square" ! )


     c.  What generalization can you make??



3.  a. Suppose D =    Please compute D2  and D3.




     b.  What generalization can you make??



4.  Suppose A is nxn   and  x is a column vector     with all 0s except the first entry. What can you say about Ax ?



5.  Suppose A is nxn   and  x is a column vector     with all 0s except the third entry. What can you say about Ax ?




6.  What generalization can you make from problems 4 and 5??


7.  Consider the product AB =     in two different ways:




            a) compute it directly

            b) compute 4 times the first column of A  plus 5 times the second column of A

            c) can you generalize?  (you may want to look back at problems 4-6 )


8.  a)  What is an "upper triangular matrix"?

     b)  If A is an upper triangular matrix with all nonzero entries on its diagonal, what is the Final Form (RREF) of A ?


9.  Suppose A is an nxn matrix and each row of it adds up to the same number, r. (the specific numbers in each row may be different but their total is the same in all cases, r).  Suppose u is an nx1 column matrix of all 1's.  What can you say about the matrix product  Au ?  Feel encouraged to make up examples to help decide this.