MA 2071
Using Matlab for Linear Algebra
������������������ note:� Matlab commands entered by user shown in��� >>blue font
rule:� name = [� entries separated by commas with ; at end of each row]
example:����� >> A =
[1,2,3; 4,5,6; 7,8,9]�� creates a 3x3
A =
���� 1����
2���� 3
���� 4����
5���� 6
���� 7����
8���� 9
note no
semicolon at the end of the command I typed. This means the output
will be displayed (here a good idea).
If you put a semicolon then the output is
suppressed� (sometimes a good idea where
there is a ton of output).
example:� >> B = [3,
-1,2]��� creates a 1x3� row matrix (not a column)
example:� >> C = [1 , 0
, 0]�� creates a 3x1 column
matrix.� The apostrophe at the end is the
Matlab equivalent of matrix transpose.� (if you don�t
remember that bit of trivia, a transpose operation on a matrix makes rows into
columns and vice versa. In the textbook it is indicated by a superscript of T).
If you need to use the identity matrix, Matlab has a function to build
it for you called� eye.�
You tell it the size and you have it.
>>I3 = eye(3)����������� ( I3
was my choice for a name � use anything you want except lowercase i)
1� 0� 0
0� 1� 0
0� 0� 1
2. Performing the Gauss-Jordan algorithm to get the Final
Form (RREF) of a matrix is
��������� very easy!�
If A is your matrix which you have already defined and entered then
simply use rref:
������������������ >>
A = [1,2,3;4,5,6;7,8,9]��
������������������ >> rref(A)
������������������ ans =��� 1� 0� -1
����������������������������������� �0� 1��
����������������������������������� �0� 0�� 0
which is the RREF or Final Form of
this matrix. The matrix does not have
to be square.
3.� Matrix
demonstrated fairly easily by the following examples, some of which refer to
the matrices created earlier.
����������� >>� H = A * C
����������� H =
����������������������� 1
����������������������� 4
����������������������� 7
����������� >>� J = [2, 3; 4, 1 ]
����������� J =
����������������������� 2� 3
����������������������� 4� 1
����������� >> K = inv(A)
����������� K =
�� �������������������� -0.1000��� 0.3000������������ (note that Matlab uses floating
point displays)
� ��������������������� ��0.4000��
>> J*K
ans =
�� �������� �1.0000��
����� ����� ���0��� �� ���1.0000
(number of nonzero rows in RREF)
����������� >>rank(J)
����������� ans =
����������������������� 2
����������� >>det(J)
����������� ans =
����������������������� -10
and Eigenvector Calculations
>>� eig(A)���� computes the eigenvalues
of A puts them in a column matrix
ans =�������������������� ��������������(for the matrix defined as A at
the top of this page)
�� 16.1168
�� -1.1168
�� -0.0000
>> [P,D] = eig(A)������������
creates a square matrix P with eigenvectors as columns and
another matrix D with eigenvalues on the
P =
��� 0.2320���
0.7858��� 0.4082
��� 0.5253���
0.0868�� -0.8165
��� 0.8187��
-0.6123��� 0.4082
D =
�� 16.1168�������� 0�������� 0
�������� 0��
-1.1168�������� 0
�������� 0�������� 0�� -0.0000
this turns
out to be absolutely perfect for the approach that Kolman
takes in the textbook!!� The Principal
Axis Theorem of Chapter 8 states that� these new matrices are related to the
original matrix A by the key formula
����������������������������������� A = P D P-1
and we
can easily demonstrate this in Matlab with minimal effort by now entering the
>> P*D*inv(P)
getting the output
ans =
��� 1.0000���
2.0000��� 3.0000
��� 4.0000���
5.0000��� 6.0000
��� 7.0000���
8.0000��� 9.0000
which is
the original matrix A !!!