Group Assignment #1

Due: Thursday, March 20, beginning of class

Note: This assignment counts 10% of the grade for your 1st project.


The paper you turn in should have your group #, all members names, and the major area you are working on.  In it, please answer the following:


1) For the first project, what is your groups schedule?  It might include events such as

                        initial meeting

                        meeting to produce this paper

                        getting software installed

                        breaking the project down into smaller tasks

                        having a first draft completed

                        having a final draft completed


2) Summarize what strengths each person brings to the team


3) Have you decided to divide the tasks and have each worked on by individuals or by the group as a whole?


4) Who will be responsible for the final document (including the printing of  it)?


5) How does the statement "The whole is greater than the sum of the parts" potentially apply to group work?