Hi! I’m Caroline, a Junior at the Massachusetts Academy of Math and Science. Before this, I went to the Advanced Math and Science Academy Charter School (while they are only slightly different in name the two schools have proven to be quite different). At AMSA I was in Book Club, Leaders of Tomorrow, Red Cross (as co-president), Math Team, and Ski Club. My favorite subjects were Chemistry, Biology, English, and Art. While I do miss my favorite classes and teachers, I’m really enjoying what I’m doing now. To see more about my work in my current classes, click on their individual links above.
My family consists of my sister, my brother, my mom, my dad, my cat, and I. Most of my immediate family lives in-state. The rest of my second cousins and great aunts and uncles all live in Poland, and we visited them the summer of 2024. We try to visit every 3 years, but the COVID-19 pandemic got in our way and our last time there was in 2019. My parents were born in Poland and came here when they were around my age, so I imagine they had a much more difficult transition between schools than I did. I was raised speaking Polish and while I’ve lost a lot of the language, I know enough to have gotten around Poland a few times on my own.

My indoor hobbies include making art, reading books, discussing said books, baking, jewelry making, crocheting, and knitting. I like to try a lot of things so committing to all of my hobbies can be a challenge. I usually prioritize painting and reading. My favorite books are Song of Achilles, Brave New World, If We Were Villains, and the Throne of Glass series. I’ve been getting more into classic literature lately though, so this list might change.

For my outdoor hobbies I enjoy skiing, hiking, biking, and camping. For my birthday every year my dad and I do a new mountain in New England, so this year we did Mt. Washington.

My family and I love to travel. I’ve visited fifteen countries, not including layovers. This has much to do with my family in Poland because visiting them gives us more of an opening to visit the rest of Europe. On our trip last summer, we visited family and cool cities around Poland, took a bus to visit Slovakia, Austria, Hungary, and the Czech Republic, and spent a week in Norway. Norway is one of my favorite countries and I plan on going back there someday, maybe even for a few months.

While I normally travel with my family, I’ve also been on school trips to Greece and Belize. Belize was one of my favorite trips, mainly because it was so different than I was used to. Our group was small too, with two Biology teachers and seven girls going. We got to see some cool wildlife, including a Boa Constrictor in the wild that lunged at our group while on a walk in the jungle. We also saw howler monkeys, several types of kingfishers, stingrays, and alligators all in the wild.