Fabio Carrera @ WPI

Curriculum Vitae


Venezia la Città dei Rii.

Refereed Papers

Canestrelli, P., Carrera, F., Cerasuolo, M., Tomasin, P..  1995.  “La Nebbia a Venezia nel Quarantennio 1951-90”, in Rapporti e Studi, vol. XII, Venice: Istituto Veneto di Scienze Lettere ed Arti.

Carrera, Fabio.  1994.  “I Rii e la Qualità della Vita a Venezia”, in COSES Informazioni, Venice.

Carrera, Fabio.  1992.  “Computerized Catalog of Outdoor Art in Venice with Automatic Estimation of Restoration Costs” in Conservation of Stone and Other Materials, UNESCO/RILEM.  London : E&FN Spon,, p. 831-838.

Conference Papers

DiBiasio, David , Mello, Natalie A. and Carrera, Fabio.  2004.  “A Multilevel Assessment Process for Student/Faculty Team in a Project-Based Learning Environment,” ASEE Meeting, Salt Lake City, UT, June.

Carrera, Fabio.  2003. “From ‘Plan-Demanded’ data to ‘Plan-Ready’ information to ‘Plan-Demanding’ knowledge: building an infrastructure for urban maintenance, management and planning”.  ACSP-AESOP Conference, The Network Society: the new context for planning,  Leuven, Belgium, July 12, 2003.

Carrera, Fabio, DiBiasio, David and Mello, Natalie A.  2003. “Undergraduate Engineers Get Credit for Saving Venice”, ASEE Meeting, Nashville, TN, June.

Carrera, Fabio, DiBiasio, David and Mello, Natalie.  2003.  “Ensuring that Engineers Get Credit for Saving Venice”, in proceeding of Enhancement of the Global Perspective for Engineering Students by Providing an International Experience , Tomar, Portugal: April.


Il Traffico Acqueo nella Laguna di Venezia, Report to the Provincial government on the summer weekend traffic campaign of July 12, 1998 for the counting of boats circulating in waters outside municipal jurisdiction, Provincia di Venezia, Ufficio Trasporti e Mobilità, August 15, 1999.

Geographical Information System per la gestione dei Canli Interni di Venezia, Report on the activities completed in the framework of the UNESCO-Insula agreement, Phase I, UNESCO, August 3, 1999.

Carrera, F..  1999.  Il Traffico Acqueo nei Principali Rii di Venezia e Canali Laguari, Report to the Municipal and Provincial governments on the traffic campaign of March 17, 1998 for the counting of boats circulating in waters within municipal and provincial jurisdiction.  Venice: COSES.  January 31, 1999.

Il Comportamento Idrodinamico dei Canali Interni di Venezia, UNESCO report, September 1998.

Carrera, F..  1997.  Il Traffico Acqueo nella Laguna di Venezia, Report to the Provincial government on the traffic campaign of July 29, 1997 for the counting of boats circulating in waters outside municipal jurisdiction.  Venice:  Provincia di Venezia, Ufficio Trasporti e Mobilità.  December 15, 1997.

Il Traffico Acqueo nei Canali Interni di Venezia, UNESCO report, July 1996.

Le Caratteristiche Fisiche dei Canali Interni di Venezia, UNESCO report, February 1996.


Enforming the Sensate.  Measuring and Representing the Perception of Change of Place over Time, Harvard University, Enforming the Urban and The Architecture of the Senses, May 1999.

The Image of a Good City.  Imaging and Good City Form, MIT, advanced seminar on Imaging the City, December 1998.

A Carrying Capacity and Attendance Management Strategy for Massachusetts State Parks, Beaches and Reservations, in collaboration with Jeff McGuire and Mark Behn and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Management, MIT, Environmental Management, May 1998.

A Visual Assessment of the Future of East Boston.  The Present and Future of View Corridors, View Sheds, Visual Impacts and the Aesthetics of the Streetscapes in East Boston, MIT, Boston Harbor Design Studio, May 1998.

Is the Lamp of Memory Still Burning?, MIT, advanced seminar on Theory of City Form, May 1998.

Architectural Form and Urban Context.  A Visual Preference Study, Harvard University, Analyzing the Visual Landscape, December 1997.

Campo Santa Maria Formosa, Venice, Italy:  A Case Study of the Application of Visual, Dynamic and Scale-Invariant Analyses for the Description, Interpretation and Evaluation of City Form, Harvard University, Shaping and Preservation of Urban Spaces, May 1997.

What cultural heritage do we preserve and why?  A preliminary exploration of the rationales, criteria and factors used in deciding which antiquities to preserve and in what order of priority: the case of Venice, Italy, MIT, Doctoral Research Paper, May 1997.

The Urban Design Politics of Venice, Italy, MIT, Urban Design Politics, December 1996.


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last updated: May 19, 2005