Mass Academy Chemistry, Physics, Engineering and Their Activities

Hi, I am Jacklyn Bonneau, a teacher at Massachusetts Academy for Mathematics and Science at Worcester, Massachusetts. At Mass Academy, I teach Chemistry, Integrated Chemistry and Physics (ICP), Research Seminar, and Engineering as part of out Technology program.
The academy is a school for students accelerated in mathematics and science as juniors and seniors. It is an exam school which is free to the students and considered a public school. We are located on the campus of Worcester Polytechnic Institute. Our philosophy includes an active learning environment where students explore many topics in an interdisciplinary way. Please walk through some of the activities below and let us know what you think. I am currently working to construct student pages, faculty support pages will be following.

At the academy, any student who has not had Chemistry in their sending school takes a semester of Chemistry as a mandatory elective. As an elective it is an "extra" academic class which contains a laboratory component and many home activities and labs. Below you will find many such activities for your use.

Explorations in Physics is taken by all juniors at the academy. We do a variety of activities, most of which are hands-on and open ended. A sampling of some of those which I have worked to create is listed below.

Research Seminar is a course taken by all students which results in a science, math or technology project able to go to the regional and state fairs. Questioning, research, writing, presenting and reporting skills are developed and strengthened. Time is allotted within our schedule for this work until the middle of February when all projects are due. Final projects are presented to the entire community over a three day period.

Engineering is taken by all juniors as part of the Technology course. It is based upon the Thayer Model of Engineering which was learned by the instructors at Dartmouth in summer workshops. Students in the class solve a problem of their own design within given parameters. Their projects and prototypes are then presented to a panel of experts from the community. The panel of experts contains a cross-section of individuals from engineers to patent lawyers to college professors.

    Personal and Professional Information
    Chemistry Activities
    Physics Activities
    Engineering Activities
    Research Seminar Activities

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Please send your comments or ideas to Jacklyn Bonneau

Last modified: July 4, 2002